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Resources Grid

Last updated on April 23, 2021

The Resources Grid widget is a flexible grid widget that can pull in the Resources post type content for use on the Resources archive page or any where else on the site thanks to the customizable query options.


The first thing to note about the Resources Grid widget is that it comes with 2 skins by default: Classic and Resources. In the Classic Skin, all resource types are displayed the same way and you cannot customize the fields or text per Resource Type. The Resources skin on the other hand will display Resource Types a little different – for example the Webinar type will display the Time and Duration if available – and it has additional sections of controls to customize the different Resource Type settings.

[insert image]

The Resources Skin is built from the Classic skin so they share the majority of their settings. With that in mind, we will go over the global settings first and then dive into the additional options provided in the Resources skin.

Content Tab Controls (Global)

Layout Controls (Global)

  1. Skin – choose between the  Classic or Resources skin.
  2. Columns – number of columns from 1-6 you can display your grid as.

Content Controls (Global)


  1. Show Heading – toggle the heading text on or off
  2. Heading – the text for the heading. If you are using the Query Controls to set this to a Related By query, you can use the placeholder {{related_by}} to have the related item automatically display here.
  3. Heading Tag – choose the best HTML tag to wrap the heading text in


  1. Image Size – choose between the different media sizes that your WordPress installation uses. For best performance it is recommended to use the media size closest to the actual display size in the grid.
  2. Image Ratio – controls the height of the image


  1. Show Title – toggle the resource post title on or off
  2. Title Tag – choose the best HTML tag to wrap the heading text in


  1. Show Badge – toggle the badge on or off
  2. Choose Badge Taxonomy – select 1 taxonomy that the badge will pull terms from


  1. Show Taxonomy – toggle a taxonomy on or off that will display above the title
  2. Choose taxonomy – select 1 taxonomy that it will pull terms from


  1. Show Authors – toggle the author name(s) on or off
  2. Link to Author Page – toggle on or off to display each author as plain text or with a link to their author page
  3. Byline – text to display before the author name(s)


  1. Show Excerpt – toggle the excerpt on or off. the excerpt will pull from the main content.
  2. Excerpt Length – number of words to pull in from the content for the excerpt


  1. Show Date – toggle the post publish date on or off
  2. Icon – choose to display an icon next to the date text
  3. Date Format – choose between preset date formats.
  4. Date Position – change where the date appears between Before Image, After Image, After Taxonomy, or After Content.


  1. Show Link/Button – toggle on or off to add a link/button that goes to the individual resource page
  2. Link Style – choose between Link or Button. the Link will be plain text while the Button will add additional styling controls for background colors, borders, etc.
  3. Link Text – the text to display for the link
  4. Icon – choose an icon to display with the link
  5. Icon Position – choose between Before or After the link text
  6. Icon Spacing – spacing between the icon and the link text

Query Controls (Global)

The query controls allow the ability to change which resources are going to be pulled in. The Source control has a few options.

  1. Current Query – this is meant for use on the archive page for the Resources post type as well as the archive pages for the Resource Types terms.  On the Resources post type archive page it will automatically pull all the resources in a paginated fashion. For the Resource Type archives it will automatically pull in the resources just for the type that is currently being viewed.
  2. Resources – this will allow the pulling in of Resources on any page with some flexible options
    1. Include By – choose between term, post author, or resource author to filter the resources down by one of those options. Once selecting 1 of those, a new field will appear for you to specify the exact term(s), post author(s), or resource author(s).
    2. Exclude By – choose between Current Post, Manual Selection, Term, or Post Author to exclude based on those options. Depending on which is selected, a new field will appear for you to specify the exact options.
    3. Order By – choose to order the Resources by Date, Title, Menu Order, or Random.
    4. Order – choose between ASC (Ascending Order) or DESC (Descending Order)
    5. Posts Per Page – this is how many resources you would like to display.
  3. Manual Selection – here you can select specific resources you’d like to pull in. You can search by their title to add them here.
  4. Related By – the Related By option will only work when used on a Single Resource post or an Author page as it will allow the displaying of Resources falling in a similar condition as the resource or author being viewed. When dropping on an Author page, it will only accept Post Author or Resource Author for the Related By option.
    1. Related By – select from Post Author, Resource Author, or Resource Category. Your selection will then add a new field below.
      1. Post Author/Resource Author – choose the specific author to show other resources from
      2. Choose Taxonomy – if you selected Resource Category, this will pull up a list of all existing taxonomies for Resources – Resource Types, Resource Tags, and Resource Webinar Status.
    2. Order By – choose to order the Resources by Date, Title, Menu Order, or Random.
    3. Order – choose between ASC (Ascending Order) or DESC (Descending Order)
    4. Posts Per Page – this is how many resources you would like to display.

Below the Source control is Query ID – this intended for developer use. A developer can create a custom ID here and use code to change the query if something custom is desired here that is not able to be down via the query controls.

Pagination Controls (Global)

When using the widget for archive purposes, it is recommended to turn on the Pagination or else users will not be able to view all the available resources. The pagination controls are:

  1. Pagination – choose None, FacetWP Pager, or WordPress Default.
  2. Pager Shortcode – for FacetWP Pager only – this is your shortcode for your pager facet inside FacetWP. This option is recommended when using FacetWP’s filtering with this widget.
  3. Previous Label – for WordPress Default only – this is the text for the previous pagination link.
  4. Next Label – for WordPress Default only – this is the text for the next pagination link.
  5. Alignment – for both FacetWP and WordPress Default – this will align your pagination either left, center, or right on your page.

No Results Message (Global)

If for some reason the Resources widget returns no results, it will default to the message that you can enter here.

Style Tab Controls (Global)

Layout Controls (Global)

  1. Columns Gap – gap in between grid items
  2. Rows Gap – gap in between each row of items in the grid

Box Controls (Global)
