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Global Sections with Elementor: How-To’s

Last updated on December 15, 2022

What are Global Sections with Elementor?

Global sections with Elementor allow you to save complete sections, and re-use that section on different pages of the website. The website’s header, footer, and global call-to-action are examples of global sections used on your website. Using dynamic tags, we can choose specific pages on the website to display or hide the section on.

How to edit the Global Call-to-Action section on your website?

  1. To get started, in the WordPress left panel navigate to “Templates > Saved Templates”.
  2. In the list of Saved Templates, hover over the name of the global section you want to edit (ex. Global Call To Action) and click on “Edit with Elementor”.
  3. This will open the global section in the Elementor page builder. From here you have the ability to edit the section’s content, links, and style.
  4. After completing your updates to the global section, make sure to save your changes.

How to edit the Header/Footer section on your website?

  1. To get started, in the WordPress left panel navigate to “Templates > Theme Builder”.
  2. In the Theme Builder list of sections, hover over the name of the global section you want to edit (ex. Global Footer) and click on “Edit with Elementor”.
  3. This will open the global section in the Elementor page builder. From here you have the ability to edit the section’s content, links, and style.
  4. After completing your updates to the global section, make sure to save your changes.

How to set up dynamic display tags on Global Sections?

  1. To get started, follow steps 1-2 above for the specific type of global section you want to set up dynamic display tags for.
  2. Once you are in the Elementor page builder, click on the “Save Options” up arrow tab next to the “Save” button (reference screenshot).
  3. Next with the Save Options tab expanded, click on “Display Conditions” (reference screenshot).
  4. From here, you have the option to dynamically display/hide the section on specific pages, archives, post types.
  5. After the dynamic display settings are set up as you want, make sure to save the changes by clicking on the green “Update” button.